Driving Directions:
You can type “Field’s Point Landing, Chelan, WA 98816”
into most GPS devices to get directions, but here are the basic directions as well.
From Wenatchee:
Head NORTH on US Hwy 97A for 23 miles.
Turn LEFT onto Navarre Coulee Road. Continue on this road for 9 miles.
Turn LEFT onto S Lakeshore Road. Continue on this road for 7 miles.
Turn RIGHT at the sign for Field’s Point Landing.
From points further away:
Travel by the best route to Wenatchee, and then follow the above directions.
From the North:
Travel to Chelan, WA.
Head out of town to the SOUTHWEST, on Hwy 97A.
Turn RIGHT onto S Lakeshore Road. (approximately 3 miles out of town.)
Continue on S Lakeshore Road for 14 miles.
Turn RIGHT at the sign for Field’s Point Landing.